Friday, June 7, 2024

Latest News

Prosecution concludes testimony in Nagadih Mob Lynching Case

Mail News Service Jamshedpur, June 6: In the court of ADJ-8 Pattadar, the prosecution completed Uttam Verma's testimony on Thursday in the case related to...


Jharkhand minor girl dies in Bihar, raped and murdered

Ranchi, June 6: A 13-year-old tribal girl from Palamu was raped and murdered in Bihar. The girl was a victim of human trafficking. She...

Police official dance in JMM revelry 

Monsoon to arrive in Jharkhand after June 15

Heatwave in 16 Jharkhand districts till June 10


JMM’s Joba Manjhi wins Jharkhand’s Singhbhum seat, defeats BJP’s Geeta Koda

Mail News Service Chaibasa, June 4: In a decisive shift of political currents, the Singhbhum constituency has witnessed the fall of Geeta Koda's stronghold and...


Jamshedpur: Investigation into Neelachal Express incident concludes

Mail News Service Jamshedpur, June 6: The investigation into the incident involving the overhead electric (OHE) wire falling on coach number S-5 of the Anand...

Most Read

Narayana Jamshedpur students excel in NEET Exam

Mail News Service Jamshedpur, June 4: The students of 'Narayana IIT/NEET Academy, Jamshedpur', a renowned engineering and medical coaching institute located in Sakchi, have once...



High rise buildings in Jamshedpur continue to flout basement parking rules

Jamshedpur: Despite repeated warnings and court orders, several high-rise buildings in various localities of the city, including Ranikudar, Kadma, Sakchi, Baradwari, Sonari, and posh...


Prosecution concludes testimony in Nagadih Mob Lynching Case

Mail News Service Jamshedpur, June 6: In the court of ADJ-8 Pattadar, the prosecution completed Uttam Verma's testimony on Thursday in the case related to...

Jamshedpur MB Jewelers robbery case converted to dacoity

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Tobacco: A threat to public health and environment

May 31 is World No Tobacco Day 2024   By Prabhat Kishore Tobacco consumption is the major cause of preventable death and illness. It kills half of...

Narrative Wars – Do they really matter?

By M.R.Lalu We see raging narratives frequently capture headlines. Election seasons come with multiple narratives that parties fling across for electoral gains. Most of them...

TMH Jamshedpur offers best treatment for all types of thyroid diseases: Dr. Abhishek Kumar

Thyroid diseases, manifestations and cure May 25 is World Thyroid Day By Dr. Abhishek Kumar Thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland situated in the front of...

Avoiding mosquito bites is best way to prevent dengue 

May 16 is National Dengue Day  By Dr Kumar Diwakar Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral fever. In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) identified ten threats...

Migratory Birds in Jamshedpur

By Dr Vijaya Bharat  May 11 is World Migratory Bird Day World Migratory Bird Day is celebrated on two days, 11th May and 12th October in alignment with...


Three-day block closure at Tata Motors’ Jamshedpur plant

Mail News Service Jamshedpur, May 30: Tata Motors' Jamshedpur plant will experience a block closure from May 31 to June 2. Following two consecutive days...

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Maharashtra Hitkari Mandal centenary celebrations end

Saddened by Kerala temple tragedy: Nitish Kumar

Once unknown names, they are now fighting to oust Mamata

7.1 magnitude quake jolts Pakistan
