Monday, June 17, 2024

Protest halts JBVNL’s pole installation at JEMCO Ground Jamshedpur

Mail News Service

Jamshedpur, May 24: In a stand against the installation of poles at the JEMCO ground near the Gurudwara gate in Telco police station area, residents and members of the Aam Aadmi Party thwarted the efforts of the JBVNL team on Thursday.

The residents expressed their dissent, highlighting the ground’s significance as a hub for social and cultural activities, as well as a recreational space for morning and evening walks and children’s play. Amandeep Singh, President of the Aam Aadmi Party, emphasized the ground’s importance, stating it serves as a vital space for various programs, especially sports, benefiting numerous communities in the vicinity.

Residents from JEMCO Basti, Mishra Bagan, Jhagdu Bagan, Laxmi Nagar, Prem Nagar, Machhua Basti, Mahanand Basti, Manifit, and neighboring areas joined forces to oppose the encroachment on the ground. Zorawar Singh, head of Jamco Gurudwara, condemned the enclosure of the playground, affirming that the protest will persist until the ground is reinstated.

The protest led to the suspension of the JVVNL team’s activities, causing a stir in the area. Notable figures present during the protest included Balwinder Singh, Aman Singh, Jagraj Singh, Sumit, Jagdish Singh, Sumit Kumar, Rajkumar, and Pintu Kumar.

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