Monday, June 17, 2024

Jamshedpur Firing: Tent House owner shot at in a violent clash in Mango

Jamshedpur: In a disturbing incident that took place in the early hours of Thursday near Hotel Citi Inn along the NH-33 in Mango, a 28-year-old youth, identified as Imran Ali, became the victim of a violent clash between two groups of youths. The incident occurred in the Azadnagar Thana area, raising concerns about the safety and security in the locality.

Imran Ali, a resident of Bawangora locality in Azadnagar, engaged in a tent house decoration business, was shot at as he attempted to mediate between the two warring groups, consisting of 10-12 individuals. The clash reportedly took place near the hotel, drawing attention to the escalating tensions among the local youth.

Ali sustained a gunshot injury to his leg during the altercation and was immediately rushed to Tata Main Hospital. As of the latest update, he is in stable condition and out of immediate danger, undergoing treatment for the bullet wound.

The victim narrated the incident to the media, explaining that he had been at Citi Inn for dinner. Upon leaving the establishment past midnight, he encountered the two groups engaged in a heated confrontation. As a local resident, Ali instinctively intervened in an attempt to pacify the situation. However, the intervention took a violent turn when someone struck him from behind with a hockey stick, causing him to fall. Subsequently, another youth shot him.

According to Ali, the assailants fled the scene after firing several rounds into the air. After sustaining the injuries, Ali managed to contact some friends who promptly took him to Tata Main Hospital for medical attention.

The police, led by Azadnagar Thana OC Rakesh Kumar, are yet to obtain a formal statement from the gunshot victim. Kumar confirmed the shooting incident near Hotel Citi Inn and emphasized that the investigation would provide clarity on the circumstances surrounding the clash. He stated, “We are yet to take a statement from the victim who is undergoing treatment at Tata Main Hospital.” The police are actively working on unraveling the mystery behind the shootout, and further details are expected to emerge as the investigation progresses.

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